Nicki Minaj and “rap king” Eminem are constantly “flirting” with each other, but what is the truth of their relationship?

Fans are extremely active in “pushing the boat” for Nicki Minaj and Eminem.

Last week, Nicki shared with female MC Ellen DeGeneres that she is currently seeing two different men. Female rapper “Barbie Tingz” praised Eminem’s newly released album “Kamikaze” and did not hesitate to call him “husband”.

On Instagram, Nicki wrote: “There are two people that no one should talk about!!! It’s the Queen (Nicki’s album name is “Queen”) and her Husband. All people want is us “.

Nicki Minaj and rap king Eminem constantly flirt with each other, but what is the truth of their relationship? - Photo 1.

According to HollywoodLife, the king of rap music is also extremely interested in the female rapper: “Eminem has always liked Nicki. He thinks Nicky is both extremely talented and hot. Eminem has flirted with her many times.”

However, it seems like the two are just friends. “Eminem likes to keep the public talking and curious about this relationship and he knows that them flirting with each other like that will drive people crazy,” the source continued.

Nicki Minaj and rap king Eminem constantly flirt with each other, but what is the truth of their relationship? - Photo 2.

HollywoodLife newspaper affirmed: “In terms of music, they are quite close, but they are both just friends. Eminem knows that he should not ruin such a great collaborative relationship. In the past, he had used to do that, but Eminem woke up and knew he shouldn’t take the risk. He loves Nicki very much, but the two are just friends and will always be.”

Although they are a couple that many fans actively “pull the boat over”, perhaps Eminem and Nicki Minaj are just good friends.