Nicki Minaj is bothered by being compared to Gaga

She didn’t see anything in common between the two that would make them “put on the chopping block”.

Nicki Minaj believes that her musical style and Lady Gaga’s have nothing in common

Since entering the music industry until now, Nicki Minaj has always impressed with her ability to transform like a chameleon and therefore, many people have compared her to the quirky singer Lady Gaga . Recently, the famous female rapper confessed that she was uncomfortable with this comparison.

She said: “I don’t feel too uncomfortable, but I do feel bothered by that comparison because we went on two completely different paths. Gaga is an excellent artist, she has paved her own path. But I think I also have my own path and we have never “clashed”. Our music is different, our performance styles are also different. I don’t see anything in common between us.”


Cover photo and list of songs in BoB’s album “Strange Clouds”.

Recently, the official list of songs that will appear on rapper BoB ‘s album Strange Clouds was revealed. Accordingly, this album will include 15 songs with the participation of famous names from many different music genres such as Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, TI, Trey Songz and even the famous actor. Original Morgan Freeman . Strange Clouds will officially land on record shelves on May 1.

J. Lo was criticized because the MV was too “hot”

J. Lo’s “Dance Again” music video is considered sexual and inappropriate for children

Not long after releasing the super hot MV Dance Again , Jennifer Lopez suffered a series of criticism from the Institute of Media and Culture, an American non-profit organization.

According to Dan Gainor , one of the leaders of this organization, this is a “sexual” MV and it was made to preserve the fading reputation of the Latin female singer.

“Sexual videos like this one are not appropriate for any children, including Lopez ‘s twins, ” said Dan Gainor . In the MV, J. Lo and his young lover Casper Smart share a lot of hot choreography and very daring love scenes.