Shiloh Jolie Pitt Reveals Angelina Jolie’s Rough Times with Brad Pitt.NH

They say no one is more affected by divorce than the children at the centre of their parents’ split.

But for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s six kids, the couple’s marriage breakdown has hit them harder than most, with the media firestorm and public speculation surrounding their bitter battle making a normal home life near impossible.

Now, as Brad, 54, and Ange, 43, face off in court for custody of Maddox, 17, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox, sources tell Woman’s Day brave Shiloh is ready to speak out on behalf of her brothers and sisters – and she wants the world to know they’re desperate to be reunited with their dad once and for all.

When Angelina Jolie's Daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Allegedly Ran Away From  Home To Let Off Some Steam Amid The Actress' Divorce With Brad Pitt, Source  Claimed "... It's All Too Much"

Finally snapped

A source close to the family reveals, “Shiloh’s grown tired of her mother’s antics and has grown into an extremely strong, well-spoken young girl.

“She’s been biting her tongue for a long time and has been longing to speak out for the last few months. But after Angelina’s recent stunt to try to paint her dad in a bad light last week, something snapped in her and she really wants to tell everyone just how much she and her siblings miss Brad and want him back in their lives.

“While Angelina and Brad continue to fight on this very public platform, Shiloh wants the world to know how deeply affected her and the other kids have been, and just how torn they feel between their parents.”

“Shiloh’s been biting her tongue for a long time,” says our source.


While Shiloh loves her mum, our insider says Angelina Jolie may be upset by some of the truths she could reveal.

“Shiloh’s tell-all is likely to shed light on Ange’s erratic behaviour since the split, details of her and Brad’s fiery rows, and her and her sibling’s own breakdowns,” our source explains.

“She’s been keeping a diary on everything that’s happened since the split. Her and Vivienne have perhaps been the most badly affected as they’re close to Brad and it’s been difficult spending time away from him.

“Shiloh is hoping that by speaking out, it will make her mum realise just how miserable she is.”

Nasty turn

News of Shiloh’s tell-all comes as Brad Pitt and Ange, who parted ways after an airport dispute in September 2016, are facing off in court.

Last week, Woman’s Day revealed the couple’s court proceedings had turned nasty, with Ange accusing the actor of not paying meaningful child support and Brad claiming she was only trying to manipulate media coverage.

Days later, sources close to Brad, who has given up drinking in a bid to prove he’s a good father, said the actor thinks it’s “disgusting” that Angelina has gone public with the private details of the couple’s negotiations, adding that some of their children are old enough to read what is being written about them on social media.