Shock: Imitating dancing to Lady Gaga, a young fan tragically di*d

This accident still shocks Lady Gaga fans every time it is mentioned.

Lady Gaga is famous for her unique music products . In the early stages of her career, Lady Gaga was known as a quirky female artist with a unique way of investing in products, from strange outfits and props to difficult dance performances, all of which created create a “own brand”, boldly Lady Gaga.

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Uniqueness and eccentricity in style and choreography became Lady Gaga’s trademark in the early years of her career

For that reason, Lady Gaga has encountered countless funny and sad stories, even professional accidents due to her unique style.

It was thought that only idols got into trouble, but unexpectedly, Lady Gaga’s fans also had an accident just because they wanted to follow their idols, and the most tragic was the unfortunate passing of little Megan Williams – a young fan of Lady Gaga 12 Last year became a wake-up call for parents whose children were passionate about imitating their idols.

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Image of Megan Williams (left) 12 years ago

12 years ago, Megan Williams – a high school student in Manchester, tied her dress strap around her neck and danced passionately to Lady Gaga music in her bedroom. Because she was so engrossed, little Megan did not notice that the rope tied at one end to the bed was gradually tightening around her neck.

When she discovered the problem, the more Megan struggled to escape, the stronger the rope tightened. In the end, the girl died from suffocation . The first person to discover the incident was the girl’s brother. Immediately after that, Megan was transferred to the hospital in critical condition, but just one day later, Megan did not survive and passed away forever.

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Fans imitating idols happens a lot, but to the extent of losing their lives like a young Lady Gaga fan is a sad incident.

An investigator said that Megan’s older sister helped her tie the rope to the bed, creating a noose. Megan can put her foot in this noose and pull it up to her body. However, because she jumped too hard, the noose quickly slid onto the unfortunate girl’s neck, leaving her in critical condition.

Fans of Lady Gaga from the first day of her career until now know that Lady Gaga’s stage performances that year were very dangerous and required a professional team to support them. The fact that young fans follow Lady Gaga’s example of tying a rope to the bed to hang herself up reminds people of her 2009 VMAs stage. At that time, Lady Gaga caused a lot of ink in the press by ending up hanging her body high in a bloody outfit during her Paparazzi performance.

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Lady Gaga hangs herself to perform Paparazzi at VMAs 2009

This unfortunate incident is a warning bell to parents with young children. The fact that children can go online freely and imitate idols’ performances will be very dangerous if adults do not pay attention and guide them.

Lady Gaga herself also suffered many injuries while performing her unique performances. The story that happened 12 years ago not only makes people feel sorry for the young fan girl’s sudden accident but also affects the artist’s career mindset. We still know that unique style is one of the factors for the audience to immediately remember the artist’s name, but it is necessary to moderate everything within a certain principle of art.

Creations that exceed normal limits and contain shocking elements, artists should take steps to warn their fans, especially their young fans, not to follow suit because it can easily cause unpredictable consequences . like the tragic accident of a young fan of Lady Gaga.