Shock : Lady Gaga created a perfume that smells like blood and semen, which sold very well.

The first perfume product created by the quirky female singer with the scent of blood and semen sold very well.

Famous for her quirky style, when Lady Gaga announced she would launch a perfume with the scent of blood and semen, no one was too surprised. But what’s surprising is that Lady’s Fame perfume, which smells of blood and semen like the 27-year-old singer PR, became the best-selling women’s perfume at Superdug a week after its release. market.


With advanced production technology, even though it is a black solution, when sprayed into the air, Fame perfume will turn colorless. With two main colors black and yellow, Fame represents the devil’s claws.

Each bottle of Fame perfume priced at 38 USD was sold much more strongly than the two perfume products of music superstars Beyonce and Madonna launched at the same time.

“ Lady Gaga is an extremely eccentric person and she brought that eccentricity to the perfume market. Although Gaga advertises that her perfume smells like semen and blood, it actually has a very seductive floral scent, ” said Sara Wolverson, director of cosmetics at Superdrug.

“ We knew how famous Gaga was, but we were still surprised by how many customers rushed to be the first to own Fame on the first day of launch .”


Previously, the Born This Way singer had a very bold PR performance for Fame with a nude advertisement, the parts of her body that needed to be covered were tiny men clinging and climbing all over her body.