SHOCK: Lady Gaga pulls up her skirt, ‘shows her little girl’ in front of the audience to prove that she is not a ‘copycat’

Famous as a female singer with an “unique” style and personality, that’s why Lady Gaga recently went big, making many people gasp when the Pop icon ‘showed her off’ right on Instagram. stage in front of the audience.

Recently, while singing at a Gay Bar, while performing so energetically, pop icon Lady Gaga suddenly acted strangely, making many people not understand what happened. However, during a period of quietly watching to see what the female pop singer would do next, all the audience present at the performance were quite shocked when the female singer pulled off her “show girl” dress. before “all the people of the world”.

SHOCK: Lady Gaga pulls up her skirt, shows her in front of the audience to prove that she is not a copycat - Picture 1

It is known that this shocking action of Lady Gaga was intended to quell rumors that the pop queen has a 30cm boy.

After the clip recording Lady Gaga’s entire performance was posted on social networks , it received a lot of public attention. Many people blushed, were psychologically traumatized or even wanted to faint because of the bold actions of the female singer born in 1986. However, no matter how it was proven, many netizens did not forget to tease her. tease and tease the female singer.

SHOCK: Lady Gaga pulls up her skirt, shows her in front of the audience to prove that she is not fake - Photo 2

Lady Gaga has long been known as an eccentric yet multi-talented pop music icon. She always changes her music style through each period and does not hesitate to express herself with a “unique” image.

In recent years, fans have not only remembered her as a musical artist but also as a potential actress after Lady Gaga’s huge success when she entered the film industry.

Lady Gaga’s talent and eccentricity sometimes cause the singer to encounter many difficult situations. Many people even think that the actress’s overly provocative clothes and sultry performance are somehow offensive.

SHOCK: Lady Gaga pulls up her skirt, shows her in front of the audience to prove that she is not fake - Photo 3

Responding to issues that are not consistent with customs and traditions in expressing oneself through music products and performances. Lady Gaga shared that she wears “sexy” clothes, does hot performances, but always tries to aim for a “sexy” look full of energy and strength. Feminist.

“Even though I wear revealing clothes and perform hot shows, my definition of female beauty always emphasizes the status of women, as well as the strength that comes from their beauty. I don’t make myself cheap or vulgar, but aim for strong sexiness.

SHOCK: Lady Gaga pulls up her skirt, shows her in front of the audience to prove that she is not fake - Photo 4

I dress the way I like, makeup and hair styles are all my own choices. I promote individuality, confidence, and the strength to dare to be yourself. I never want to give the message that you need to be perfect in appearance to become a successful woman.” Pop music icon shares.

In addition, Lady Gaga has also been criticized many times by people. However, such unhappy things are also a part of helping the female singer motivate her career as well as how to treat people.

The female singer confided: ” I was talked about by everyone but no one asked me if I was okay. In fact, if I spoke up about this, my studies would not be peaceful. Being talked down to made me realize the importance of kindness and that it is something that can be changed.”

SHOCK: Lady Gaga pulls up her dress, shows her in front of the audience to prove that she is not a copycat - Photo 5

Besides the “weird” style of music and fashion , it must also be recognized that Lady Gaga is a talented singer and musician as well as a philanthropist, always interested in difficult situations as well as charity. always gives spiritual support to his young fans, encouraging them to appreciate their differences and unique characteristics, to live confidently and strongly, not to be discouraged by being ostracized or being bullied in life.

Lady Gaga created the Born This Way Foundation to support the mental health of young people experiencing psychological difficulties. She has also always openly shared about her own experiences of being ostracized, bullied at school, and even harassed when she was 19 years old.