The Jolie-Pitt children all complained that they were tired of living with Angelina and just wanted to be with their father Brad?

According to this source, Angelina Jolie was very shocked when she learned about her children’s decision.

Sources from New Idea have just revealed that the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have expressed their desire to live with their parents in audio tapes kept secret by the court. The source said: “The most shocking thing about the kids’ interviews was that they all wanted to live with Brad. The kids talked about how tired they were of hearing Angelina talk bad about their dad and they said living with her was more stressful.” probably when living with his father. Those tapes shocked and changed the situation in the child custody dispute between the couple.”

Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie's children all want to live with Brad Pitt.

Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie’s children all want to live with Brad Pitt.

According to the source, this interview was conducted between the Jolie-Pitt children and a court-appointed doctor named Stan Katz. The results of the interview could ruin Angelina’s hopes of gaining custody of her children.

Katz has been appointed as an appraiser in this case since early October. His job is to interview the parents and children separately and then interview them together. He will also talk to grandparents, school teachers and doctors.

New Idea’s source said: “Angelina was very upset when the judge decided she wanted an independent examiner to talk to the children and make recommendations on who should raise the children. She never thought The children said they wanted to live with Brad. This is a really hurtful kick to her.”

According to this source, the Jolie-Pitt children said that Brad is a funny, easy-going father and that he only says good things about Angelina in front of the children.

“Although he was also angry after the breakup, Brad was determined to never speak ill of Angelina in front of the children, and make their home a cozy, fun place with a family atmosphere. Thanks to that, , his image became good, and Angie seemed like she was about to lose this battle.”

Since breaking up in 2016, the couple has been constantly arguing with each other. In August this year, Angelina’s lawyer accused Brad of not paying enough child support, while the male actor accused his ex-wife of trying to manipulate the media.

Meanwhile, the judge warned Angelina to stop preventing the children from seeing Brad, and ordered her to improve the relationship between the children and their father, otherwise she would lose custody.

According to New Idea’s source, the fact that her children just revealed that they wanted to live with their father made her extremely surprised. The actress always believed that her children wanted to live with her, so this shocked her.

Not long ago, an old friend named Lori Duggan-Heisler of Brad Pitt accused Angelina Jolie of “ruining the life” of the actor in the National Enquirer. This person said Brad married Angelina because he was pressured: “I think he married Angie because the children wanted it. He probably knew marrying Angie was wrong.”

Last week, there were rumors that Angelina was planning to move to France to avoid Brad’s custody battle.