The truth of the photo of a man carrying his parents and fleeing more than 160km received 22 thousand likes, causing a storm on social networks

The photo was posted within just a few hours and has attracted the attention of the online community.

Daily Sabah reported that recently a photo of a man carrying a burden on his shoulders, flanked by his elderly parents, attracted the attention of the online community when it attracted 22 thousand likes.

The photo with the photo caption right there attracted a lot of attention: “This man carried his parents over a distance of more than 160km to the Bangladesh border refugee area to escape the ethnic conflict in Myanmar. Because my parents were old and weak and could not go far, I used this method to take them both with me.”

Có thể là hình ảnh về 8 người và văn bản cho biết '/duyoukompag @dkiyodlmowpage This young man from Burma, who fled to Bangladesh, did not leave behind his parents who are unable to move. He carried them for more than 100 miles on his shoulders for 7 days until he reached his destination.'

The photo gained attention on social networks .

The photo and the content on it are truly touching. Many people made comments expressing sympathy. However, there are also some opinions that the content on the photo is all “slander”.

They gave evidence of how Myanmar is not close to Bangladesh so they can walk across. This story has caused social networks to fall into controversy.

This photo was taken in 2017 and appeared in the Daily Sabah newspaper on September 13.

The truth of the photo of a man carrying his parents and fleeing more than 160km received 22 thousand likes causing a storm on social networks - Picture 2

The photo appeared on Daily Sabah.

According to this newspaper, this is one of the most heartbreaking photos recorded during the clash between Rohingya rebels and the Myanmar army.

“The photo shows a young Rohingya Muslim refugee carrying his father and mother in two baskets on his shoulders as he tried to escape the violence in Rakhine.

At an age when people are going to school or working hard, this young man carries a heavier responsibility than many of his other friends.

He said he couldn’t leave his parents behind. So he took both of them to the Bangladesh border barefoot and walked for 7 days ,” Daily Sabah said.