There are rumors that Jay-Z got porn star Jazmine Cashmere pregnant, Beyonce’s husband bought the porn beauty a $2.5 million house to “hush her mouth”

Porn star extraordinaire Jazmine Cashmere surprised fans by posting pictures of herself on her Facebook account with a very obviously pregnant belly and captions that reveal she is six months along.

Of course the pregnancy has sparked all sorts of rumors about who the baby daddy is, and one of the names that continues to surface is none other than Mr. Beyonce, rapper Jay-Z!

Jazmine Cashmere pregnant
DRAMA… Porn Star Jazmine Cashmere(@4bidnJazmine) is pregnant by a NY rapper and word on the street is it’s Jay-Z. Uh oh….. Lie or Truth?

If the rumor is true and Jay-Z decides to leave Beyonce for the “more experienced” Cashmere it would be the easiest couple nickname us celebrity bloggers have ever had to come up with: Jay-Zmine.