On the outside, these stones look no different from rusty iron, so many of their owners have abandoned them or even thrown them away without knowing that they are super rare objects worth hundreds of billions of dong.


A meteorite weighing 2.1 kg fell through the roof of a man’s house in Indonesia (Photo: BBC)

Recently, a coffin maker in Indonesia suddenly became a millionaire overnight thanks to a 2.1 kg meteorite falling through the roof.

Meteorites are priced by weight. On eBay, the cheapest meteorites made entirely of rock cost 0.5 – 5 USD/g, while rare metal meteorites are worth up to 1,000 USD/g.

Experts estimate this meteorite is about 4.5 billion years old, belongs to the CM1/2 carbon Chondrite group, an extremely rare variant, and is worth 1.85 million USD if calculated based on the unit price multiplied by its mass.

Last July, an anonymous man in Blaubeuren, southern Germany was surprised to learn that the rusty piece of iron he had left in his garden for 31 years was a super rare meteorite worth $5 million.

Accordingly, in 1989, this man dug up a block of hard rock half a meter deep in his garden. After using a magnet to test, he realized that the rock contained quite a lot of iron. Thinking it was a piece of rusty iron, he left it in his garden ever since.


The meteorite was abandoned in the garden, forgotten after 30 years (Photo: Getty)

After 31 years of forgetting, in January 2020, this man decided to bring that object to the DLR Planetary Research Institute (Germany) for testing. He was extremely surprised to learn that it was a piece of metal meteorite from an asteroid that had fallen to Earth.

The main component of the meteorite is chondrite, a primitive form of non-metallic rock that has not been altered by melting or metamorphosis of the parent body. However, why it is attracted to magnets – which means it may contain iron – is still unknown.

According to researchers, this is the largest meteorite ever to fall in Germany. The meteorite has been named the “Blaubeuren meteorite” after the locality where it was found and is estimated to cost about $5 million.

The man’s family was shocked to learn that the piece of iron they had left in the garden for 30 years had helped them become millionaires in the blink of an eye. That is a luck that not everyone has.

Previously, in 2015, a man in Australia named David Hole also found a red rock block, unusually heavy compared to a rock block of the same size, mixed in yellow clay at Maryborough Park. , near Melbourne (Australia).


The 4.7 billion year old meteorite is much more valuable than gold (Photo: Science Alert)

Believing that the rock contained gold inside because the Maryborough area was an area in the Goldfields region, where the gold rush took place in Australia in the 19th century, he immediately brought it home and found many ways to break it out to get the gold. .

Mr. Hole used a saw, a grinder, a drill, and even put the stone in acid or hit it with a sledgehammer, but all could not break the stone.

Curious because he could not break the stone, Mr. David Hole brought the stone to the Melbourne Museum to ask experts to investigate. Unexpectedly, the rock Mr. Hole brought was not a piece of gold but a super rare meteorite, 4.7 billion years old.

The meteorite was named Maryborough, after the town near where it was found by David Hole. Researchers believe that the Maryborough meteorite is much rarer and more valuable than gold.

In 2011, a farmer in the US also accidentally discovered a rock with a strange smell behind his house. After discovering that this rock had large iridescent yellow and green crystals, he sold it to a chemical expert for 3.5 million USD (more than 81 billion VND). Experts have confirmed that this is a rare iron-containing meteorite.