Why, after the divorce, did the compassionate woman Angelina Jolie decide to “knock out” her husband, and did love turn into hatred?

Having overcome many controversies to become the most beautiful couple in Hollywood, with a model family of kindness, after the divorce, the long and expensive battle of Angelina and Brad Pitt made people regrets.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were once considered the most beautiful couple in Hollywood when the most beautiful woman on the planet combined with the sexiest man in the world. But when they broke up, their divorce battle was extremely bitter. Angelina could tolerate many people but was determined to defeat her ex-husband?

Before Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt became the most beautiful couple in the world, they overcame many scandals and even morals to affirm their love. When they were on the same set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Brad Pitt was still in a good marriage with Jennifer Aniston. The couple was rumored to be in love but denied it. Then Brad Pitt divorced in Jennifer’s misery. And reporters discovered in 2005 that Brad Piit and Angelina with her adopted child were on vacation together. It was later that Angelina said in a slip of the tongue: “Not many people have the opportunity to watch the movie where their parents begin to love each other.” That implicitly admitted that she was the third person who fell in love with Brad Pitt when he was not yet divorced.


Facing backlash from the public. Angelina and Brad Pitt gradually gained the love of the audience when they became a beautiful, compassionate couple and had many outstanding activities in both career and social activities. Angelina Jolie became the most praised woman when she had 3 adopted children of different races. Not only is Angelina Jolie praised for being beautiful and talented, she is also praised for being a compassionate person. Charitable activities aimed at poor, disadvantaged and sick children make Angelina Jolie the most compassionate and wonderful woman in Hollywood. She does charity modestly and quietly.

After many years of living together and creating a beautiful family with Brad Pitt, the couple is praised for taking care of their children themselves despite hiring many bodyguards and assistants.

damsel angelina

The couple held a simple and compact wedding ceremony in 2014, but only 2 years later the couple divorced, in an extremely noisy and persistent development. After beautiful love, there are mutual accusations and child custody battles, and economic responses. Angelina constantly accused her husband of having wasteful spending habits, bad habits, acting inappropriately with the children, and harming the children. After winning custody of their children, Angelina and Brad Pitt continued to fight and sue each other regarding common property.

better angle

Now that it’s been 7 years since their divorce, the fight is still not over. Recently Brad Pitt sued Angelina for arbitrarily selling shares not in accordance with the previous agreement, causing damage to him. And Angelina is said to be looking for a house in New York to separate Brad Pitt from his children so that it will be difficult for him to visit them and repair their relationship with them. Some netizens think that she only went there for work, New York is not where she chooses to continue living, England is where she wants to live with her children. However, to do that, you need to wait 3 more years when the two children are 18 years old to decide whether to follow their mother or not.

Stepping out of a beautiful love affair, they became enemies determined to sue each other to the end. Unfortunately.