“Liam Neeson Advocates for Horse-Drawn Carriage Drivers in New York City”

A lifelong admirer of horses, Neeson opted to insert himself into New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s 2013 attempt to ban horse-drawn carriages in Central Park.

He Fought For Horse-Drawn Carriage Drivers In New York City

A handful of celebrities took up the cause, which many viewed as an animal-rights issue. Neeson decided to defy his peers by joining the other side of the debate and defending the drivers, according to Men’s Journal.
No more Taken films, says Neeson

The actor invited city council members to visit the stables with him so they could see firsthand how well caretakers tended to the animals. It worked, attracting a lot of media attention in the process and helping to change public opinion. In the end, the carriages were allowed to continue transporting passengers.

No more Taken films, says Neeson