The pay gap between men and women in the entertainment business has long been an issue.
He Spoke Out About Unequal Pay For Women

Men often get paid far more money than their female counterparts, even if their positions are equal. Male superstars, meanwhile, frequently earn bigger paydays than female superstars.
Liam Neeson Finally Explains His Dramatic 20 Pound Weight Loss: Photo  3509462 | Liam Neeson Photos | Just Jared: Entertainment News

While promoting his movie The Commuter, according to Entertainment Weekly, Neeson told an interviewer the pay gap is “f*cking disgraceful.” He also said it’s vital for men to take an active role in ensuring things are equal:

We’re starting, and it’s starting with these extraordinary actresses and brave ladies. We, as men, have got to be part of it, you know? We started it, so we have to be part of the solution.
How much does Liam Neeson weigh? - Quora