Could the singer be facing a fine? Find out

Miley Cyrus

Has Miley Cyrus‘ twerking gone too far?

During a concert in Mexico this week, the 21-year-old “We Can’t Stop” singer twerked on stage with a giant fake butt as one of her backup dancers spanked her prosthetic booty with a Mexican flag. The dirty flag dancing has some Mexican lawmakers outraged.

Open up ... Miley strikes a favourite pose. Picture: Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Following Miley’s concert, local Monterrey lawmaker Francisco Trevino called for government officials to punish the pop star for disrespecting their country.

In a video of Trevino’s passionate speech, the politico urges Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, Secretary of the Interior, to punish Miley for using the Mexican flag in her act.

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According to Mexican law, Miley’s flag dancing, which is considered a disrespectful act towards a national symbol, is punishable by up to $1,200 or 36 hours in jail.

Miley wouldn’t be the first celebrity to pay the price for misuse of the Mexican flag. Latin singer Paulina Rubio was fined back in 2008 after she posed naked wrapped in the flag.

Miley Cyrus - Bangerz Tour ở Sydney, Úc

Mexico joins the Dominican Republic on the list of nations who aren’t so fond of Miley. Earlier this summer, Miley’s concert in the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo was banned by a government group because of “acts that go against morals and customs, which are punishable by Dominican law.”