šŸ” Kanye’s Shocker: Willing to Cut Ties for Kids? The Truth behind His Custody Battle!

In a recent interview, Kanye West opened up about his decision to seek full custody of his children, revealing his heartfelt reasons behind it. The renowned rapper, known for his talent and high-profile marriage to Kim Kardashian, discussed his desire to be a present and engaged father to his four children.

West expressed concerns about the limited amount of time he currently spends with his kids and his ability to give them the attention they deserve.

He acknowledged the demands of his successful career as a musician and entrepreneur, which often result in a demanding schedule. He hopes that by obtaining full custody, he can prioritize his children’s upbringing and ensure that they have a stable and nurturing environment.


The artist also reflected on his own experience growing up in a broken family and emphasized the importance of stability and consistency for children’s well-being.

West believes that joint custody arrangements might bring potential disruptions and inconsistencies that can have a negative impact on his children. By seeking full custody, he aims to shield them from these potential challenges.

It is crucial to note that West’s decision does not mean he wants to exclude Kardashian from their children’s lives. Instead, it highlights his desire to play the primary caregiving role and take on more responsibilities.

The court will ultimately decide the custody arrangements based on the best interests of the children, considering the perspectives of both parents.

As West shares his motivations, it is clear that his top priority is providing his children with the love, support, and stability they deserve. Despite the complexities of his divorce and the demands of his career, he remains committed to being a hands-on father. His genuine intentions shine through, showing his deep-rooted commitment towards his family.