David Henrie Expresses Desire for Selena Gomez to Distance Herself from “Toxic” Justin Bieber

Former “Wizards of Waverly Place” co-star David Henrie recently expressed his concerns about Selena Gomez potentially rekindling her relationship with Justin Bieber. In a candid interview, Henrie, who played Gomez’s on-screen brother, shared his apprehensions about Gomez getting back together with what he described as a “toxic” Bieber.

Despite not being in frequent contact with Gomez, Henrie remains mindful of her well-being. Drawing from his experience witnessing the highs and lows of Gomez and Bieber’s relationship, he emphasized Gomez’s improved state without Bieber in her life.

Henrie emphasized the importance of Gomez surrounding herself with positivity and steering clear of detrimental influences.

He underscored Gomez’s deserving of a healthier and happier relationship dynamic than what she experienced in the past.

The actor’s remarks reflect a genuine concern for Gomez’s welfare, urging her to prioritize her own happiness and mental well-being. Henrie’s sentiments resonate with many fans who have followed Gomez’s journey and empathize with her struggles in past relationships.

As Gomez navigates her personal life, Henrie’s words serve as a reminder of the importance of self-care and choosing relationships that uplift and support one’s growth. Ultimately, his hope is for Gomez to find fulfillment and contentment in her life, free from any toxic entanglements.