Hailey Bieber Throws Subtle Instagram Jab at Selena Gomez, Stirring Up Controversy

In a recent social media twist, Hailey Bieber, wife of pop sensation Justin Bieber, has seemingly stirred the pot on Instagram with a subtle gesture towards Selena Gomez. The drama unfolded when Hailey liked a post insinuating that she and Selena were “better off without” each other.

The incident gained traction when the popular Instagram account @dramaalert shared a screenshot of a comment suggesting that both Selena and Hailey were better off apart.

Surprisingly, Hailey’s like on the post ignited a frenzy among fans, who interpreted it as a veiled jab at Selena.

This development is notable given Hailey’s previous statements denying any discord with Selena. In a 2019 interview with Vogue, she condemned social media for perpetuating negativity and emphasized her commitment to uplifting women and fostering positivity.

However, fans were swift to speculate about the implications of Hailey’s recent Instagram activity, reigniting rumors of tension between the two pop stars.

The alleged rivalry stems from Selena and Justin Bieber’s tumultuous relationship, which ended in 2018. Following their split, Justin began dating Hailey, leading to speculation about a feud between Selena and Hailey.

Despite past denials from both sides, the Instagram incident has renewed interest in the rumored tension between Selena and Hailey. As fans continue to dissect the situation on social media, the true nature of their relationship remains a subject of speculation.

While Hailey’s like on Instagram may have inadvertently stirred controversy, it’s unclear if any further statements or actions from either party will shed light on the alleged feud. For now, fans are left to ponder the complexities of celebrity relationships and the power of social media in fueling rumors and speculation.