Kanye West Reveals He Helped Diddy’s CONCUBINE Fonzworth Bentley ESCAPE Diddy?!

In a shocking turn of events, allegations have surfaced about the nature of the relationshipbetween Sean “Diddy” Combs and his former assistant, Fonsworth Bentley.

The rumors suggest that their association went beyond professional boundaries, and Bentley may have been subjected to mistreatment and exploitation.

Fonsworth Bentley, whose real name is Derek Watkins, became a media sensation in the early 2000s as Diddy’s personal assistant. However, recent reports indicate that Bentley had to escape Diddy’s influence, much like Cassie, with the alleged assistance of Kanye West. The details surrounding Bentley’s departure and his alleged mistreatment have raised questions about the true nature of his relationship with the hip-hop mogul.

Jaguar Wright, a singer and songwriter, has claimed that Bentley was not merely an assistant but a “concubine” in Diddy’s life. The term implies a master-concubine relationship, suggesting a power dynamic that goes beyond the professional realm. These shocking revelations have left fans bewildered and concerned about what might have transpired behind closed doors.

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Cassie’s recent lawsuit against Diddy hinted at the involvement of assistants in arranging encounters with male sex workers, raising suspicions that Bentley might have played a role in such activities. Diddy’s bodyguard, Genan Deal, added fuel to the fire, stating that Bentley knows Diddy’s business, hinting at a deeper connection between the two.

Fonsworth Bentley, in an attempt to set the record straight, revealed on Angela Yee’s radio show that he met Diddy in 2001 while desperately seeking a job. However, the circumstances surrounding his hiring and subsequent treatment have sparked controversy. Fans who remember Bentley from Diddy’s MTV show “Making the Band” have cited instances of mistreatment and humiliation on camera.

The speculation surrounding Bentley’s role in Diddy’s life intensified when it was revealed that he allegedly helped arrange encounters for Diddy and may have been a victim himself. Rumors suggest that Diddy’s influence may have led to Bentley’s alleged blacklisting from the industry when he tried to pursue an independent career.

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Despite these disturbing allegations, Fonsworth Bentley has since moved on, building a life for himself in Atlanta with a wife and children. However, some believe his choice to settle in Atlanta may be linked to the city’s acceptance of a “download culture,” where individuals may lead a double life. Fans are now calling on Bentley to come forward and share his side of the story, hoping for clarity on the disturbing allegations surrounding his past with Diddy.

As the public awaits Bentley’s response, the controversy continues to unravel, shedding light on the darker aspects of the entertainment industry and the relationships between influential figures and their associates.