Kanye West Takes Firm Stand, Excludes Kim Kardashian for PR Stunts Targeting Bianca

Rapper Kanye West has reportedly blacklisted his ex-wife Kim Kardashian amid her apparent public relations tactic of trolling social media influencer Bianca. The couple, who officially divorced earlier this year, have been involved in a ongoing feud over Kardashian’s alleged involvement in an online campaign against Bianca.

According to sources close to West, the rapper has decided to cut all ties with Kardashian, refusing to have any communication or interaction with her. This decision comes after Kardashian posted a number of cryptic messages on social media, seemingly aimed at Bianca. These messages received significant attention and sparked controversy, leading to speculation about Kardashian’s intentions.

The feud between Kardashian and Bianca allegedly began after the influencer made comments about Kim’s fashion choices. Kardashian’s response appeared to be an intentional attempt to harass and discredit Bianca through a series of social media posts. Many critics argue that this move was a mere publicity stunt by Kardashian, designed to generate attention and maintain relevance.

West’s decision to blacklist Kardashian demonstrates his frustration with her alleged actions, as well as his desire to distance himself from any further controversy. The couple’s tumultuous relationship has been highly publicized in the media, and this latest development is seen as a significant step towards their complete separation.


In conclusion, Kanye West has reportedly cut off all contact with Kim Kardashian amidst her alleged public relations trolling of Bianca. The rapper’s decision reflects his displeasure with Kardashian’s actions, highlighting the continued drama surrounding their high-profile divorce.