Khloe Kardashian grants True the ability to bestow a fresh moniker upon a boy.

Khloe Kardashian grants True the ability to bestow a fresh moniker upon a boy.

Reality TV star Khloe Kardashian has made an unconventional decision by allowing her daughter, True, to choose a new name for a boy.

The 37-year-old celebrity recently admitted that she believes in allowing children to express themselves freely and make decisions on their own.

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Kardashian, who has a strong social media presence, has defended her choice on various platforms. She believes in embracing non-traditional and inclusive parenting styles, allowing her child to explore different gender identities and expressions.

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This decision has attracted both support and criticism from fans and the general public. Some applaud Kardashian for her open-mindedness and acceptance, stating that it is important for children to have the space to explore their identities and make choices. Others, however, question the appropriateness of allowing such a young child to make such important decisions. Critics argue that children should be guided by their parents and protected from potentially harmful choices.

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Kardashian has responded to the criticism by explaining that she and her ex-partner, Tristan Thompson, wanted True to have the freedom to express herself fully. She believes that this decision will foster a strong sense of individuality and self-confidence in her daughter.

While this decision is unconventional and may not align with traditional parenting beliefs, it is clear that Kardashian is committed to allowing her daughter the freedom to explore her identity and make her own choices. Whether this approach will be successful or not, only time will tell. Nonetheless, it is an interesting deviation from societal norms and may contribute to a more inclusive and accepting parenting culture.