Shock: Khloé Reveals Why She’s Not Holding a Grudge Against Tristan Thompson.

In an exclusive interview with tmrw magazine, Khloe Kardashian, the 39-year-old co-founder of Good American,bared her thoughts on co-parenting and the challenges of raising children in the era of social media.

The reality TV star and mother of two opened up about her commitment to fostering a positive relationship between her children and their father, NBA star Tristan Thompson.

Despite the complexities of their personal history, Kardashian expressed her determination to take the high road in her co-parenting dynamic with Thompson, with whom she shares 17-month-old son Tatum and 5-and-a-half-year-old daughter True. “With me and Tristan, would it really be easy to never talk to him again and be mean to him or something? Of course. But it’s hard to be nice,” Kardashian candidly shared in the interview.

Acknowledging the difficulty of maintaining composure, especially when harboring complicated emotions, Kardashian emphasized the importance of controlling her impulses for the sake of her children. “It’s really hard to get up in their face in front of your kids and say, ‘Hey, this is not how I feel,’” she remarked. “I had to learn to control my emotions.”

The reality star admitted to past instances where her emotions got the better of her, resulting in regrettable social media posts. However, she highlighted her commitment to being a kind and amicable co-parent. “I will never regret being a nice person by keeping things amicable with the 32-year-old NBA star for the sake of her children.”

Kardashian believes that by maintaining a positive co-parenting relationship with Thompson, she is safeguarding her children’s innocence. “I want my kids to have a beautiful relationship with their father, and if we’re lucky enough to have a father who wants to be there and wants to show up and be hands-on, why should I prevent that from happening?” she remarked.

In addition to discussing co-parenting, Kardashian also shared her views on technology and parenting. Refusing to allow her 5-and-a-half-year-old daughter True to have a cell phone, Kardashian expressed skepticism about the necessity for such devices at a young age. “I don’t see her getting a phone or anything like that until she’s 13,” she asserted, emphasizing the importance of preserving childhood innocence.

The interview delved into Kardashian’s relationship with social media and its potential impact on mental and emotional well-being, especially for young individuals. Expressing concern about the negative effects of public scrutiny, Kardashian remarked, “I don’t think comments and a lot of people having access to you or having an opinion about you is healthy, especially at my age. I can’t imagine the impact it has on someone mentally and emotionally in their young formative years.”

Aware of the rising concerns about mental health and social media, Kardashian emphasized her commitment to shielding her children from the darker aspects of fame. “I want to protect my kids,” she affirmed, acknowledging the responsibility that comes with raising children in the public eye.

As Khloe Kardashian continues to navigate the complexities of co-parenting and parenting in the digital age, her commitment to prioritizing her children’s well-being remains steadfast. The full interview can be found in the latest issue of tmrw magazine, where Kardashian shares more insights into her life, motherhood, and the challenges of maintaining a positive public image.