Simone Biles CRIES Over Her Husband For Being Jealous Of Her Success

The power couple of the Athletic world has been making waves after Jonathan Owens hinted at his alleged jealousy regarding his wife’s illustrious career.

Their love story, revealed on a podcast interview,has ignited a storm of discussions, not for the expected reasons.

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NFL player Jonathan Owens made a regrettable misstep when he seemingly downplayed his wife’s Olympic achievements, leaving Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history, in tears.

During their appearance on The Pivot Podcast, Owens revealed that they initially met on a dating app and claimed ignorance of Biles’ identity despite her monumental success. This ignorance, however, wasn’t what irked audiences; rather, it was Owens’ subsequent assertion that he was the catch in their relationship.

Internet sleuths quickly uncovered Owens’ previous tweets from 2012, coinciding with Biles’ rise to fame, casting doubt on his claims of obliviousness. Despite backlash, Owens maintained his narrative, citing college obligations and lack of access to Olympic coverage as reasons for his purported ignorance.

Critics accused Owens of harboring a jealousy complex due to his wife’s popularity, especially after he revealed that Biles initiated their initial contact on a dating app. Moreover, his tone during discussions about their relationship contrasted sharply with Biles’ humility, leaving fans concerned about their dynamic.

In response to scrutiny, Biles remained supportive of her husband publicly, expressing her love and pride for him despite the controversy. However, fans voiced worries about the future of their relationship, urging Owens to mature and protect his wife’s legacy.

Despite the storm surrounding them, Biles and Owens have continued to stand by each other. Their journey from courtship to marriage has been closely followed by fans, with their lavish wedding ceremonies and shared accomplishments capturing headlines.

As Biles continues to shine in her athletic endeavors and Owens makes his mark in the NFL, the spotlight remains on their relationship, with fans hoping for a resolution to the recent turmoil.

In a world where success often comes with scrutiny, the couple faces challenges familiar to many, but their love and commitment may yet see them through.