TD Jakes Former Mentee Exposes Him For Gr00ming Church Members!!!

Popular American preacher TD Jakes has found himself at the center of controversy in recent weeks, as a series of allegations involving grooming and manipulation within his church have come to light.

The founder of The Potter House and a renowned Christian preacher in the United States, Jakes has faced a barrage of accusations that have sparked discussions about his conduct and influence.

The scandal began when a TikTok video went viral on Twitter, suggesting that R&B singer Cassie Ventura had provided damaging evidence against music mogul Diddy, including allegations related to Pastor TD Jakes’ involvement in Diddy’s parties.

While these claims initially seemed sensational, they paved the way for more serious allegations from Jakes’ former mentee, Pastor Manasseh Jordan.

TD Jakes Former Mentee Exposes Him For Gr00ming Church Members!!! - YouTube

Manasseh Jordan, currently based in Boston, took to social media to expose what he described as grooming, greed, and manipulation of young preachers and pastors mentored by TD Jakes. Although there is no concrete proof of the charges against Jakes, Jordan’s firsthand accounts shed light on disturbing practices within the church.

According to Jordan, grooming within the church involves a series of stages, starting with invasive questions about one’s sexual character. He claimed that pastors create an environment where victims feel compelled to engage in inappropriate activities, using psychological manipulation and body shaming to maintain control. Jordan’s revelations painted a disturbing picture of abuse of power within religious institutions.

TD Jakes is Diddy's FREAK OFF lover? TD Jakes DENIES rumors! | Prophet predicts TD Jakes downfall - YouTube


While Jordan did not explicitly name Bishop TD Jakes, the timing of his statements and the parallels drawn with similar cases in the past suggest that he was referring to his former mentor. The grooming scandal surrounding Jakes echoes the accusations faced by other Southern televangelists, such as the late Pastor Eddie Long, who was accused of similar misconduct in 2010.

In response to the allegations, TD Jakes addressed the congregation during his Christmas service, vehemently denying the charges. His public relations representative labeled the rumors as “unequivocally false and baseless.” However, the denial has not quelled the growing skepticism among some former associates and members of the church who believe there may be more to the story.

Bishop T.D. Jakes Denies Sexual Misconduct at Diddy's Parties

The parallels with the Eddie Long case, where financial settlements were reached despite continued denial of allegations, have fueled speculation about the credibility of Jakes’ denial. Some former members and pastors within Jakes’ inner circle have expressed doubts, suggesting that the influential preacher may be hiding something significant.

As the scandal unfolds, questions about Jakes’ relationship with P. Diddy have also come under scrutiny, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding controversy. The public awaits further developments in this unfolding story, as the church community grapples with the implications of these serious allegations against one of its most prominent figures.