Since becoming a household name in the mid-1990s, Jennifer Aniston has been cherished not only as an award-winning actress but also as a beauty and style icon.    Lately, there have been whispers and speculations that the 55-year-old celebrity might have undergone additional cosmetic procedures, with some fans feeling she looks “different” these days.

A doctor explains that some beauty manipulations were done incorrectly.
A recent interview with Dr. Justin Harper sheds light on these rumors.    Dr. Harper discussed various treatments that Jennifer might have had over the years, offering his professional perspective on her evolving appearance.

By comparing photos of Jennifer from different years, Dr. Harper noted a significant change.    He mentioned that Jennifer used to have “great work” done, but recently, she seems “overfilled.

” He pointed out that she had noticeable nasolabial folds when she was younger, which have now became less.

Dr. Harper also observed a “flatness” around her mouth, which he attributes to excessive nasolabial filler.   He explained that in the past, many celebrities focused on treating their lip borders, which he believes is incorrect.   He recommends placing filler “on the inside” for a more natural look.