Beckham publicly “Trolling” Victoria for pretending to be poor, what’s so hot that made more 600K people “heart drop”?

Victoria caused a stir when she posted a sensitive clip of David Beckham, causing her husband to fall into a scandalous situation

In a documentary released last October, Victoria Beckham pretended to be poor, saying that both she and David came from working-class backgrounds.

At this moment, the former British football player said from the door, “Be honest . ”

The mother of four children tried to justify herself, but when her husband continued to pressure her, she had to admit that her father drove her to school in a Rolls-Royce supercar.

Even though Victoria was “stuck” by David, this situation was loved thanks to the couple’s humor and cuteness.

To date, David Beckham continues to “tease” his wife through a new post on Instagram.

The former famous football player posted a photo of him and his wife having a meal with Victoria’s parents with a humorous caption: “Just a frugal New Year’s lunch at The Ritz. Very working class, Mrs. Victoria Beckham. Dad My mother-in-law also left in a Rolls-Royce.”

David Beckham’s humorous prank on his wife quickly received 658,000 “hearts” and many comments from netizens. Many netizens responded: “This joke will never get old”, “Classy sense of humor”, “Happy New Year to the most luxurious family in the working class”, “Victoria will have to hear this forever forever”…

In fact, Victoria Beckham comes from a wealthy family. In the 1980s, her father owned a Rolls-Royce supercar and often took her to school in this car. In Spice Girl, Victoria is nicknamed “Posh Spice”, meaning the classy girl of the group.