David Beckham’s former bodyguard reveals an unexpected secret

Craig Ainsworth, David Beckham’s former bodyguard, recently revealed the unexpected secret about who is the most powerful person in the family of the president of Inter Miami Club.

Craig Ainsworth served as a Marine fighting in Afghanistan before becoming a professional bodyguard, providing security for celebrities such as Amber Heard, Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Craig also worked for David Beckham’s family from 2013 to 2015 when the Beckham family lived in a house in Holland Park, London, England.

Need to know more, Craig is on the payroll of private security company Gavin De Becker based in the US.

Not only did he have to go through harsh tests such as fighting an MMA fighter in the dark, the 39-year-old veteran also had to sign a contract with 183 clauses, including a clause requiring information security. sensitive for 50 years to be accepted as a bodyguard for the Becks family.

In a recent interview with The Mirror, Craig revealed many unknown things about the life he knew from the Beckham family, the president of Inter Miami Club and his wife Victoria.

Craig even mentioned the funny moment when Victoria said they were working class but Becks got Posh to confess that she used to drive a Rolls-Royce to school.

In particular, Craig also asserted that Victoria is the real “roof” and not Becks. However, Victoria behaved skillfully so that Becks did not feel inferior in both domestic and foreign affairs. “I think in most homes, women are in charge and they give us the feeling of shouldering half the responsibility,” Craig shares.

Craig Ainsworth also talked about how the Beckhams skillfully handled the problems brought on by fame. “David and Victoria are very professional, and have many other security measures in place. There are times when we are just background noise or a part of the furniture that stands out to them,” Craig confided.

“David always looks attractive, and Victoria knows how to maintain her image. She spends a lot of time with her children and working. The children are also very well taught. To have that level of fame and maintain a long-term happy family, they must of course be doing something right.”

Besides, Craig also emphasized that former MU star Beckham is “England’s golden boy”. At the same time, the former Becks family bodyguard emphasized: “I don’t know of any celebrity who is more loved by the public.”