Deontay Wilder believes Mike Tyson has never beaten a Hall of Fame fighter throughout his entire career in the ring.

Wilder’s famous rant over Tyson’s Hall of Fame record resurfaced this week as bad blood between the pair bubbles over legacies.

‘The Bronze Bomber’ said Tyson has only ever faced two opponents worthy of all-time great status when he fought them. Both of whom, Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis, defeated Tyson.

A few years ago, when a video first aired of Wilder slating Tyson, the undefeated American was on top of the world. Fast forward to this day, and Wilder has been knocked off his perch despite a stunning first-round win in October.

Oleksandr Usyk and Tyson Fury are now the number one and two heavyweights in the world as Wilder seeks to regain his title.

Fans on social media have been calling for a shoot-out between the pair over three or four rounds since Tyson returned to action in his fifties.

However, considering Wilder’s comeback win over Robert Helenius, it’s not viable.

Whatever their problems are as former champions, Wilder’s comments prove his beef runs deep.

“Folks, half of you don’t know your history. When it comes to the sport of boxing, let’s face it. You do not know your history,” Wilder said in the video WBN saved.

“You do not know your facts. All you know is what you hear. Go back and do your facts. Go back and do your history.

“We love Mike Tyson, of course. We love them all. Do you know what I’m saying? I love them all. We love them all. They did a great job. But go back and look up your facts.

“If you go back. I want somebody to answer this question: How many Hall of Fame fighters did Mike Tyson actually fight?”

In the Q & A, some said six, and others said three. Wilder asked them to ‘name them.’

Wilder then agreed with one reply by dismissing Michael Spinks’ credentials and stating Larry Holmes was over the hill when Tyson crushed him.

“Thank you. Only two. Holyfield beat him twice, and Lennox beat him. Only two. So what are you all talking about?

“Now you go back and look up your history! – Everybody else was scared. They weren’t any Hall of Famers!

“Only two. Only two! – Do your facts when you come to me.”

“Who the F**K Have Wilder Beat”: Deontay Wilder’s Scathing Remarks on Mike Tyson’s Legacy in Resurfaced Post Still Draws Ire From the Fans

Boxing is a sport of legacy, legends, and fiery debates. Enter Deontay Wilder, the former WBC Heavyweight champion. Recently, he made a bold move. Not in the ring, but with his words. Shared by Fight Yard on their Facebook page, Wilder’s statement is, well, audacious. And it’s about none other than Mike Tyson, the titan of the boxing world. The remark? A daring delve into boxing history. An eyebrow-raising question on the caliber of fighters Tyson actually faced in his prime.

Wilder suggests many don’t truly know their boxing history. It’s a powerful claim that not only challenges long-held beliefs but also sends ripples through the boxing community.

Deontay Wilder vs. ‘Iron’ Mike legacy debate.

Deontay Wilder, boasting an impressive record, stands tall among modern boxing’s heavy hitters. With a knockout percentage that has often been touted as one of the highest in heavyweight history, his punches have resonated both inside and outside the ring. Yet, his prowess isn’t merely physical. As evidenced by his recent remarks, Wilder isn’t shy to voice his perspectives, even when they touch on revered legacies like that of Mike Tyson.

Mike Tyson, on the other hand, is a name synonymous with boxing excellence. ‘Iron Mike’ rampaged through the boxing scene in the 1980s, becoming the youngest Heavyweight champion at just 20. His ferocity, speed, and unique boxing style made him a force to be reckoned with, etching his legacy in the annals of boxing.

Given the weight of Tyson’s achievements, Wilder’s remarks didn’t go unnoticed. Fan reactions poured in swiftly. One fan’s comment, “Mike would still flatten Wilder,” points to the undying belief in Tyson’s unparalleled ring dominance. It’s a testament to the confidence fans have in Tyson’s abilities, even when pitted against formidable opponents like Wilder.

Another user weighed in, highlighting the towering stature of Tyson. “Wilder himself will never stand feet with Mike Tyson…” he remarked, suggesting that irrespective of records and statistics, the sheer aura of Tyson is something that Wilder might find challenging to match.

Another fan brought a dash of humor, juxtaposing Wilder’s achievements with those of Tyson’s. “Who the f**k have Wilder beat?” he quipped, playfully mocking Wilder while reaffirming Tyson’s status as an unbeatable titan.

Another person chimed in with a similar sentiment. Labeling Wilder an “absolute clown”, he voiced the widespread belief that a prime Tyson would’ve made quick work of Wilder, stating Mike would’ve knocked him out in a single round.