Fall Taylor Swift Is Here And Walking Around New York

Fall Taylor Swift Is Here And Walking Around New York

The pumpkin spice lattes are gettin’ sipped.

And Taylor Swift is walking around New York again!

With tiny little box purses!
You might be wondering, “How are the two related?” And let me tell you this: They just are!!!
When Taylor Swift struts out of her apartment with her security guards behind her and a purse slung over her shoulder, it can only mean one thing: THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING!!!

You might remember that once upon a time, Taylor Swift officially welcomed spring by walking out of her apartment in spring clothes. This is basically the same thing except it’s fall now. Same sнιт, different season.

She’s even wearing autumnal colors to signify the change.

Forget the meteorologists. Forget science! The only thing we need is Taylor Swift wearing a plaid shirt to let us know that the weather is changing.

She’s even walking around in other places BESIDES the 10 steps from her door to her car.

She’s leaving restaurants in long jackets!!! BECAUSE IT’S CRISP OUT.