Fans are overwhelmed with the luxury and value of Beckham’s new real estate

According to the British press, Victoria has replaced Hoppen

With the more traditionally minded decorator Rose Uniacke for the renovation of the Beckhams’ nearly $50 million London mansion purchased late last year.

Uniacke is a minimalist at heart, but she subtly and brilliantly blends the contemporary with the classic.

As Victoria’s mode of dress has become more streamlined and sophisticated throughout the last decade, so too, apparently, has her taste in decor.

This style evolution—and the lavishly antique feel of Uniacke’s spaces—will perhaps bode well for the Beckhams’ purported country home-to-be in the Cotswolds.

Listed as the most expensive country house in the U.K. at $41.8 million.

The 10-bedroom estate was built in 1862 and has 774.32 acres of land, with neighbors who include Kate Moss, Damien Hirst, Elizabeth Hurley, and Sam Mendes.

Though there has been no official announcement of the purchase, one thing is sure: If Victoria’s interior style really is taking a more traditional turn, this is the home that was built for her transition.