Mike Tyson vs Muhammad Ali: ‘Iron Mike’ reveals how he would approach a fantasy fight against ‘vicious animal’ Ali.T

Mike Tyson knows he would have to be prepared to go to hell and back in a fantasy fight with Muhammad Ali.

A mythical match-up between the two most iconic boxers in history has been hypothesised for decades.


Ali, regarded by many as ‘The Greatest of All Time’, ruled the heavyweight division in the glorious era of the 1960s/1970s.

Tyson, thought to be one of the sport’s hardest ever punchers, appeared invincible in his youth around the late 1980s.

Their in-ring talents and unique personalities made Ali and Tyson two of the most famous men to have ever lived.

Therefore a fantasy fight between them remains a talking point to this day.


When asked how he would have approached the contest, Tyson said: “I would know one thing – I would have to be ready to go 15 rounds.

“I would be prepared to go 15 rounds with him because listen.

“I’m just keeping it real, ain’t nobody knocking him out.

“In his prime, they ain’t knocking him out.


“Even [Larry] Holmes, Ali’s one strange guy, you’ve gotta kill him to beat him, he won’t quit.

“Isn’t that weird, in his prime he looks like a model, he doesn’t even look like a fighter.

“It ain’t pretty, he’s not pretty either, he’s a junkyard dog with a pretty face.

“He’s pretty, but he ain’t pretty. Inside he’s as nasty as me.

“He’s a vicious animal.”