“She believed that her friend was murdered by him”: Kim Kardashian Once Detailed Kris Jenner’s Ugly Phone Call With O.J. Simpson

Appearing on , Kim Kardashian opened up about how her family was split during the time OJ Simpson was put on trial. She mentioned how the environment in her house had been at the time of the trial, and how her parents were split on the matter.
Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian on Instagram)

Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian on Instagram)
The fashion entrepreneur, speaking to David Letterman, divulged key information about what went on in her house during the trial, where her mother was convinced that her friend had been murdered, and her father, Robert Kardashian, was part of the legal team defending Simpson against the charges.

Kim Kardashian’s parents were on opposing sides

O.J. Simpson in a still from his televised murder trial (via ABC News)

O.J. Simpson in a still from his televised murder trial (via ABC News)
In a conversation with David Letterman, Kim Kardashian was open about recalling the time in her life. She was 14 years old during the trial’s proceedings and had seen her mother confront Simpson when the family received a phone call from jail.


The conversation further opened up about what Kardashian and her siblings had to face at home, with the family so cleanly split in the middle. She said:


The situation that Kim Kardashian described only got worse when they (her and her siblings) were allegedly pulled out of school on the day of the verdict by her father, which was a surprise to their mother, whom they refused to make eye contact with.

Kris Jenner was convinced that OJ Simpson murdered her friend

Kris Jenner | from @krisjenner on InstagramKris Jenner | from @krisjenner on Instagram
Kris Jenner was firmly on the side that considered that O.J. Simpson was guilty, owing to the fact that she thought Simpson was responsible for the death of her friend, Nicole Brown Simpson. Kim Kardashian, speaking about her mother’s state of mind at the time of the ordeal, revealed:


The trial would go on to acquit O.J Simpson which would cause a widespread volatile reaction amongst the American populace, who had named the trial ‘The Trial of the Century“, but the defense team had done their work, and was filled with such great lawyers, that it was dubbed the “Dream Team”.