Patrick Mahomes’ Troubling Diddy Tweet Goes Viral

Patrick Mahomes’ Troubling Diddy Tweet Goes Viral

Patrick Mahomes’ Troubling Diddy Tweet Goes Viral

Patrick Mahomes is one of the more beloved athletes in sports today.

Sure, his wife Brittany Mahomes is something of a polarizing figure. Even her recent unfortunate health diagnosis didn’t endear her to fans. But Patrick has traditionally had no such problems.

Until now.

On Thursday, a recently-deleted tweet was uncovered on social media from Patrick involving Diddy.

Diddy, of course, is someone nobody wants to be connected to right now. He is currently being prodded by federal authorities on a myriad of potentially troubling charges. In fact, the feds raided his homes just this past week.

Los Angeles Lakers LeBron James learned the hard way on Thursday how damaging being connected to Diddy can be when an unfortunate video of him and the music mogul went viral.

Patrick learned a similar lesson when folks noticed this recently-deleted tweet:

Reactions poured in quickly:

It will be interesting to see if Patrick opts to address this situation in any capacity.

Diddy is persona non grata in pop culture right now.

Anyone associated with him is almost guilty by association.

Will Patrick ultimately come out and address what precisely his relationship with Diddy is? Time will tell.