“He made us practice pepper spray each other”: Even a $400M Fortune Can’t Make You a Perfect Dad and Sylvester Stallone Proves it

Every father has his own way of protecting his daughters and Sylvester Stallone just took it up by a notch!

Thanks to films like Rambo, Rocky, and The Expendables, actor Sylvester Stallone has built quite a ‘tough guy’ reputation for himself, and rightly so. But what happens when someone like him ends up having daughters? He becomes a softie, and even Sylvester Stallone couldn’t save himself from going down that path!

sylvester stallone the expendables 2010

Sylvester Stallone in The Expendables

Being a girl dad often results in some of the most chilled-out people becoming as overprotective as they can in order to save their daughters from any harm that comes their way. Sylvester Stallone was no exception to the rule. In fact, he took the overprotectiveness up a notch. His daughters recall how their dad would make them practice some brutal self-defense techniques!

Sylvester Stallone Doesn’t Hold Back

A still from The Family Stallone season 2

A still from The Family Stallone season 2

In order to protect themselves from the bad guys, women everywhere learn all kinds of self-defense techniques. Whether it is karate or simply walking around with pepper sprays and pocket knives in your bag, they have to be ready for anything that could come their way. Sylvester Stallone played a huge role in making his daughters experts in self-defence, but the only problem is that he seems to have overdone it a bit.

During the season 2 premiere of The Family Stallone (via People)Stallone and Jennifer Flavin’s middle child, Sistine Stallone, opened up about her father taking things to the next level when it came to the girls’ self-defense.

“He made us practice pepper spray each other. Oh my God, that’s so bad. He put a little knife in my backpack in fourth grade. Probably shouldn’t say that.”

During the episode, the $400 million-worth actor took Sistine and his eldest daughter, Sophia Stallone, to practice with the Defense Strategies Group and stated, “I’m not playing a game. These are the guys that have seen combat, faced death. This is the real deal.” While practicing, Sophia asked, “When am I ever going to be doing this in New York?” To this, her younger sister replied jokingly, “Every first date ever.”

Sistine’s answer probably made Stallone a super proud dad as he has quite the reputation for being as overprotective as possible when it comes to his daughters’ love lives.

Sylvester Stallone Made His Daughters Chase a Chicken

Sylvester Stallone makes his daughters chase a chicken

Sylvester Stallone makes his daughters chase a chicken

Talking about his daughters moving to New York, Stallone admitted that he was quite worried about the well-being of the girls. He stated,

“My daughters have moved to New York, which is kind of traumatic because I spent many, many years in New York. Everyday robbery, physical attacking. Cars were coming over curbs. People throwing acid on you. You had to keep your head on a swivel, and I never gotten over that.”

Thus, Stallone decided to make his daughters go through a whole boot camp to prepare them for the worst. The girls learned self-defense techniques, carried sixty-pound weights up a hill, and practiced how to open locks blindfolded and whilst sitting in an ice bath.

However, the most peculiar exercise came when the instructors led the girls to a fenced area where they had to capture a chicken. While it was quite difficult at first, the girls worked together and managed to bag the victory over the bird.

After the extensive boot camp, Sophia stated, “If I can handle that, I can handle godd*mn New York City.” Sistine also chimed in, saying that she was proud of herself and that she “would do it again. Maybe.” Well, there you go. It looks like Stallone knew what he was doing all along!