Mom of Ex-Chicago Bulls Player’s Daughter Gets Charged In Case of Kid Sucker Punching Opponent (VIDEO) T

The mother of a former NBA player’s daughter has formally been charged after allegedly telling the girl to “hit” an opponent at a youth basketball tournament in California last month.

That daughter listened to her mother and decked her opponent with a vicious sucker punch that sent the 15-year-old victim to the ground.

Latira Shonty Hunt screamed, “you better hit her for that” after her daughter fell to the ground on a prior play where no foul was called.

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer called the mother’s words the “catalyst” for the attack.

“In my opinion, it would have not happened, but for mom’s words,” the prosecutor said

Hunt is charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and battery.

The father of that child is former NBA player Corey Benjamin, who played three seasons with the Chicago Bulls and part of one with the Atlanta Hawks.

Benjamin issued an apology last month.

“As a father, I’m shocked and disappointed at my daughter’s behavior as this is not a reflection of the values and standards that my family holds,” he said.

“Nor does it exemplify the values, character and spirit of sportsmanship that the game of basketball requires.”