“You don’t love me, you little b*tch” – Allen Iverson shares Michael Jordan still hasn’t forgiven him for the iconic crossover T

Michael Jordan may be the greatest player of all time in the eyes of the majority of basketball fans, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t find himself on the receiving end of some amazing plays from his rivals. One of the more iconic ones was a rookie, Allen Iverson, crossing over MJ and hitting the jump shot to the delight of the Philly crowd.

The Philadelphia 76ers guard went on to become a legend in his own right, with the two greats becoming buddies. Still, that didn’t mean that Michael would forgive The Answer for making him look bad.

“I went to a Charlotte Hornets game. He had me come in. We in the back, me and him; I’m sitting back, drinking, and reminiscing. I was like, ‘Man, I love you!’ And he was like, ‘You don’t love me, you little b*tch. You wouldn’t have fuc*ing did me like that.’ And everybody in the room burst out laughing,” Iverson told Shannon Sharpe the hilarious story.

No nerves from A.I.

Even though Jordan is notorious for taking things personally, this seemed more like a joking scenario in which Michael was just playing around with Iverson. The Bulls legend definitely didn’t like looking foolish on the court, but if it had to happen, why not because of one of the best ball handlers of all time?

And that’s precisely what Allen was. Despite the small frame, A.I.’s speed, skill, and, most importantly heart made him a matchup nightmare even for the best defenders. A trait that followed him from his Georgetown days and translated into the Association from the jump.

“If I got the opportunity that, I was gonna try my move against the best player that I’ve ever seen play the game, and I’ll never forget the moment, obviously. Phil Jackson said: ‘Michael on the switch!’ And he stepped out,” Allen talked about his mental preparation for trying to get MJ to bite.

Allen tried it and made history

The Answer shrugged off the nerves, trusted his handles, and went for it, resulting in an all-time moment.

“When I tried the little one, and he bit on the little one, that when I said,’ Oh, he in trouble,'” AI concluded.

Allen would continue terrorizing defenders for 16 years in the NBA, becoming one of the best guards of all time, revolutionizing the game on and off the court. The mix of skill and flare brought Iverson countless fans, as he even rivaled MJ in that category.

Jordan would just be one of the first victims of The Answer’s impeccable handles, but it would get engrained in history as maybe his most iconic move of all time. So it’s no wonder that even after all these years, Jordan has to remind Allen that he did him wrong in front of the world. At least it’s all in good nature, evidenced by their big brother/little brother relationship that has remained even deep into their retirements.