Gwen Stefani Says Her Duets With Blake Shelton Don’t “Make Sense” But Work Anyways

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On paper, a duet between Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton sounds like a horrible idea. The two come from completely different genres, but somehow it just works. Stefani recently opened up about why she enjoys performing duets with her husband.

In one of her latest Instagram videos, Stefani took viewers behind the scenes of “Purple Irises,” which she performed alongside Shelton. She said that the two of their voices really shouldn’t go together. They’re from two different worlds when it comes to the music they inhabit.

“It’s just a dream because it’s such a weird cross-pollination and like he does country, I’m not at all country,” she said. “It doesn’t make sense but it made sense in my brain somehow that my dream fantasy world.”

The singer said the inspiration for the song hit her during a drive. She realized that she needed to record the song.

“I was on my way to a session and it hit me. It was like Purple Irises that’s the song. And I actually put it on my phone, drove into the driveway and went in and started writing this song about being insecure,” she explained. She said the music was something “I would want to listen to right now.”

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton Team Up

So how does Shelton enter the picture? Well, much like couples do, Stefani took the song home and discussed it with Shelton. She played it for the singer because she wanted to get his opinion on the track.

“nd so I came home, played it for Blake, you know, as you do because he’s my best friend, like whatever,” she said. Shelton instantly liked the song, and the rest was history. “Blake was like, “I really love the song” or whatever.”

Stefani decided to ask Shelton to duet the song with her. It wasn’t something she preplanned, but she got the feeling that it would be the perfect song for them to tackle as a couple.

“I don’t know why but I got this feeling and I was like, ‘Do you want to be on this song?'” she said. “It’s just so different that anything I’ve ever done, and you could tell that he’s just such an amazing artist as a producer.”

As for why Shelton and Stefani’s duets work so well, Stefani has a theory. She believes it’s due to their natural chemistry as a couple. After all Shelton is someone, she ”always want[s] to work with.”