His wife, 60 years younger, admitted that she had never loved the Playboy owner

Model Crystal Hefner said she lost herself in her relationship with tycoon Hugh Hefner, and had to change many things to have a luxurious, flashy life.

Hugh Hefner và Crystal Hefner. Ảnh: People

Hugh Hefner and Crystal Hefner. Photo: People

In her upcoming memoir, Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself, widow Crystal Hefner reveals for the first time the truth about her life. in the Playboy mansion and hidden things about her late husband.

Crystal met Hugh Hefner in 2008 when she was 21 years old and he was 81 years old. The model said that she was very happy when she moved to live at Playboy, like her dream had come true, but then reality was not as beautiful as she imagined.

“At that time I thought I was at the top. I thought, if I like everything he likes and do all the things he wants, I will be the most popular. And I did. But I did. I lost myself in that process,” Crystal shared in People magazine while promoting the book.

Crystal, as well as the other girls in this mansion, are controlled by the boss in every aspect, including nail polish and hair color, which must comply with requirements. Hugh sets strict rules about everything and makes his girlfriends come to him every week to receive their “allowance”.

Crystal said: “I realized I was facing a really big power imbalance. It seemed like a world of success and glamour, but everyone had to sleep with an 80-year-old man . Everything has its price.”

Crystal được ông chủ Playboy cầu hôn năm 2010. Ảnh: Wire

Crystal was proposed to by Playboy boss in 2010. Photo: Wire

On Christmas 2010, Crystal was proposed to by Hugh Hefner. She accepted but then panicked about the idea of marriage. So, 5 days before the wedding, the beauty canceled the engagement and left Playboy. She got back together with her ex-boyfriend for a short time, then suddenly decided to reconcile with Hugh Hefner. They got married in 2012 and Crystal became the Playboy boss’s third wife. She took care of him until he passed away in 2017 at the age of 91.

The 37-year-old widow admitted she never really loved Hugh Hefner. After Hugh died, she mourned her husband for three years and then dated a new man.

Crystal Hefner explained the reason for the book’s title “Say Only Good Things” because Hugh Hefner once told her: “When I’m gone, please only say good things about me. I kept my promise.” that for 5 years. After going through a lot of therapy and healing, I realized I needed to be honest about that time. My book is about healing from a toxic environment.”