Little known facts about Mr.Bean

Mr.Bean’s name was chosen from the names of vegetables. Rowan Atkinson had the idea for Mr.Bean while studying at Oxford… these are interesting secrets about the comedian.

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The character Mr.Bean was born on stage: Although Mr.Bean began appearing on television in January 1990, in fact, Rowan Atkinson developed this character a decade ago, when he was Studying for a master’s degree in electrical engineering.

“During my first term at Oxford, a group of friends asked me to sketch a play for an evening program at the Oxford Playhouse. I had never written anything,” Atkinson recounted in The Story of Mr. Bean, part of The Whole Bean DVD. “I’m not a screenwriter, I have to figure out what I’m going to do in 5 minutes after 48 hours. Then I simply sit in front of the mirror and do tricks with my face. This seems quite strange , but also very real. From there, a character with no dialogue, only actions began to be built,” he said.

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Only 14 episodes were produced: At first, the movie about Mr. Bean had only 14 episodes, but thanks to the audience’s special love and the character’s popularity, two movies, one animated series Pictures, video games and a series of books and stories about this funny man were born one after another.

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Rowan Atkinson “bet” on his face: Since the performance in Oxford was successful, Atkinson decided to put his faith in doing tricks with his face. In an interview on BBC World Service radio, Atkinson shared: “I’m not sure if the above action follows any logic, but I think I did my best and it’s definitely funny. From there Onwards, I almost didn’t look at my face. I hope it shows exactly what I think.”

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Mr.Bean covers more than 200 countries: Mr.Bean’s humor mainly comes from silly actions without words. Therefore, Mr.Bean easily covers many countries. “There seems to be no country, especially the countries I have visited, where everyone knows and loves Mr.Bean,” Atkinson affirmed in an interview with ABC.

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The name Mr.Bean was chosen between the names of vegetables: A short time after Mr.Bean aired, this character had an official name. Initially, he was called Mr.White. But then, the series’ creative team started considering the names of some vegetables. Before the name Mr.Bean was born, this character was almost called Mr. Bean. Cauliflower.

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Mr. Bean can actually move his ears: In a conversation with ABC, when asked “Can you really move your ears?”, Atkinson confirmed that he can. This partly proves that the scenes of Mr. Bean wiggling his ears in the movie are not the product of cutting techniques.

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Mr.Bean really likes… toilets: Evidence for this strange hobby is that Mr.Bean participated in a part called The Man Who Likes Toilets (roughly translated: The Man Who Loves Toilets) on the show Not the Nine O’Clock News.

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Rowan Atkinson “retired” because he found the character Mr.Bean too childish: In an interview published in The Telegraph, Atkinson admitted that it was time for the story of Mr.Bean to end. “For me, the film was very successful commercially. But the problem is that the character Mr.Bean is too emotional and childish. I feel like I need to moderate it. I see more and more of my natural instincts There need to be limits. If someone is in their 50s and is still such a child, it’s really sad,” he confided.

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The production team was very surprised by the film’s success: In an interview with BBC World Service radio, producer Peter Bennett-Jones could not hide his excitement when mentioning the resounding success of Mr. Bean: “I don’t think anyone could have predicted that Mr.Bean would be successful and ‘live’ for so long. More than 25 years, it is truly a miracle, beyond our imagination. We I really love Mr.Bean”.