Kevin Durant’s little dream, I want to drink a ”special drink” on the body of Hollywood queen – Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson is not only the highest paid actress in the world but is also mesmerizing with her hot looks.

Scarlett Johansson not only acts well but is also beautiful and has a hot figure.

Scarlett Johansson was born on November 22, 1984 in Manhattan, New York, USA. The beauty made her mark with her famous acting career. She was once announced as the highest paid actress in the world. Besides, it is undeniable that Scarlett Johansson’s beautiful appearance and “fiery” figure also help her receive a lot of attention. The beauty is also known as “the hottest actress in Hollywood”.

Appearance is one of the factors that helps Scarlett Johansson receive a lot of attention.

Even celebrities are fans of Scarlett Johansson, including the famous basketball player with a huge income Kevin Durant once humorously said that he was willing to drink… his idol’s bath water. Currently, Scarlett Johansson has turned 39 years old, but the beauty still maintains her youthful appearance and slim body.

Basketball player Kevin Durant once humorously said he was willing to drink… Scarlett Johansson’s bath water.

To achieve maximum fitness results, Scarlett Johansson combines exercise with diet. If her last meal of the day is at 9pm and she won’t eat anything until 9am the next morning.

Beauties maintain the necessary amount of protein in their meals and always alternate days with more starch, less fat and vice versa. Of course, this amount of starch and fat is selected. Scarlett Johansson often eats oatmeal, fresh fruit, vegetables, salad, and lean protein.

Besides exercising, beauties combine it with a scientific diet.