Tiger Woods faces allegations of BETRAYAL from former agent Hughes Norton

Tiger Woods’ ex-agent Hughes Norton has revealed being fired by the 15-time major winner felt like ‘betrayal with a capital B’.

Tiger Woods

Hughes Norton, the super agent who orchestrated Tiger Woods’ rise to fame, has recently revealed the brutal manner in which he was laid off by the 15-time major champion. 

Discussing his new book ‘Rainmaker’ with the Daily Mail, Norton pulled the curtain back on his relationship with Woods and gave a detailed account of how the two parted ways in 1998.

Having first met Woods aged only 13, Norton had a front-row seat to the wildest ride in golf and was responsible for handling a series of huge money deals for the future hall of famer.

Norton was Woods’ agent when he won The Masters in 1997 and also orchestrated his multi-million-dollar deals with Nike and Titleist in 1996.

Despite believing that he had gone above and beyond what was asked of him as an agent, Norton was shockingly cut loose only two years into his professional relationship with Woods.

The former IMG super agent described the termination as a ‘betrayal with a capital B’ on both a professional and personal level.

Discussing the moment he discovered his services were no longer needed, Norton described Woods as “emotionless” when he was standing before him with “zombie-like” eyes.

Although his termination was seemingly untimely, Norton went on to reveal that he was not the first and wouldn’t be the last to receive Woods’ cold shoulder.

Discussing Woods’ demeanour, Norton told the Daily Mail:
“The solace I can take, which doesn’t provide much, is this: He was an equal opportunity zombie with relationships, his swing coaches, his lawyer, the guy negotiated the IMG representation deal, with caddies,’ he says. ‘When it’s over, it’s over.
“It is the way he terminates relationships with everyone. Whether it’s girlfriends, whether it’s his former golf coaches. It’s ironic, really. In a way he’s so good at confrontation on the golf course. If he’s playing you, he will beat your brains out every single time. But when it comes to confronting things like me and other people that are in his life, he has no social skills whatsoever. It’s maddening, actually.”
Shortly after Woods let him go, Norton was given his marching orders by IMG, and he believes that losing Woods was undoubtedly the deciding factor.

Fast forward 13 years, and Woods was involved in another high-profile sacking, but this time, his long-time caddie Steve Williams was cut loose.

While Woods took a break from the game in 2011, Williams, who carried Woods’ bag for 13 of his major victories, enquired about looping for Adam Scott for a single tournament.

Steve Williams


Initially, Woods gave him the green light, but after Williams committed to working for Scott, Woods told him that if he followed through, he would be fired.

Sticking true to his word, Williams caddied for Scott and shortly after received a call from Woods’ lawyer informing him that he had been fired.

Having caddied for Woods for 13 years and naming him best man at his wedding, Williams was shocked by how he was let go.

Williams revealed during the ‘Tiger’ documentary that aired on Sky Sports that the nature of his dismissal was cutthroat.

He said:
“When he fired me, I thought he was firing me as a golf caddie and not as a friend. Tiger was the best man at my wedding, I didn’t think we’d have no communication for the rest of our lives. That just didn’t even enter my mind. To this day I find that a hard pill to swallow. Someone you spend 13 years with, with all your time and all your effort, and the guy can’t even speak to you.”
Woods’ current agent remains Mark Steinberg, who has represented the former World No.1 since 1998.