Young wife reveals depraved life in Playboy boss’s bedroom (My)

Model Crystal Hefner – the third wife who is 60 years younger than Hugh Hefner – tells for the first time about her chaotic bedroom life at the Playboy mansion and why she ran away a few days before the wedding.

7 years after the founder of adult magazine Playboy passed away, widow Crystal Hefner decided to release a memoir exposing the naked truths inside the famous luxurious mansion that so many girls once craved. In her book, Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself, Crystal tells the story of her journey from the day she was invited to the mansion to party until she got married. became Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, fiancee, and wife.

Hugh Hefner và vợ thứ ba, Crystal Hefner. Ảnh: Wenn

Hugh Hefner and third wife, Crystal Hefner. Photo: Wenn

In some pages of the book introduced in the newspaper, Crystal Hefner tells about the first time she was chosen to attend the Playboy Halloween party in 2008. That night, while still overwhelmed by the sexy girls and glamor at the mansion. After this fame, Crystal caught the eye of Hugh Hefner. The 21-year-old student and model was invited into the bedroom by her 81-year-old boss with three other girls. Crystal was shocked to see Hugh having sex with each of them one by one. She said she didn’t see any intimacy, instead there was emotionlessness, power and control.

Crystal said that that day the Playboy mansion had a magical power that captivated her and many other beauties. Therefore, when Hugh Hefner personally invited her to live here, she immediately agreed. “Life at the villa is still as brilliant as the first day I saw it. Celebrities appear regularly. I feel like I’m at the center of the universe. Everyone wants to be here, even the strangers. most famous in the world. The staff took care of everything. I could press a button, order any food I wanted,” Crystal recalls.

Hugh Hefner và Crystal. Ảnh: Wire

Hugh Hefner and Crystal. Photo: Wire

However, only a short time later, the beauty began to realize that everything was not as beautiful as it seemed. Hugh started to get upset because she was gaining weight, so Crystal started working out. She and the others must follow the strict rules given by Hugh, such as curfew at 6:00 p.m., no red lipstick, hair color or nail color following regulations…

Crystal strives to satisfy her boss’s every wish and soon, she becomes his main girlfriend. The beauty felt like a girl in a fairy tale being led out of the darkness by the prince and taken to the castle. “However, the slight difference in this story is that most of the time Hef was not a prince. He could be charming but he could also be cruel,” she wrote.

One of the things Crystal often has to do is find new girls for Hugh Hefner at parties. “He likes to have at least five girls and I know what he likes. It’s a real relief to have other women in the bedroom with me,” Crystal said.

Hugh Hefner bên Crystal (phải) và các cô gái khác. Ảnh: Wire

Hugh Hefner with Crystal (right) and other girls. Photo: Wire

Crystal said Hefner abused viagra drugs to maintain his sex life at the age of over 80. According to the Mail, the beauty said that the Playboy owner lost his hearing because of taking too many anti-erectile dysfunction drugs, but he declared that he would rather Being deaf in one ear is better than having to give up medicine.

According to Crystal, Hugh Hefner does not care about other people’s feelings, and he never uses condoms. She knows she will later regret those long nights in the bedroom, “regretting the ways I compromised and betrayed myself”.

In the book, the blonde model also tells about how she reluctantly became the fiancee of a powerful man in the American entertainment industry. Crystal revealed that on Christmas 2010, Hefner gave her a ring and said, “I hope it fits.” She was confused because she had never talked about marriage before and they didn’t really love each other. But there were many people in the room at the time, “including other girls, staff, a photographer, a videographer”. Crystal felt she had no other choice. When she put on the ring, “everyone clapped and cameras flashed”. The engagement news then flooded the newspapers.

The beauty said that while she was still confused, Hugh Hefner planned to make a reality TV show called Marrying Hef and she was the main actor with Hef. He gave her a contract, in which she received $2,500 for the role. “I overheard Hef and the producer talking about what they got: $800,000. They made money off of me. In that moment, I realized how much the Playboy machine would squeeze everything it could out of me I’m still here. They will squeeze me like a lemon. I know I have to leave,” Crystal wrote.

One Saturday night, in the middle of a movie, Crystal snuck out, pretended she needed to buy tampons, and drove off. “It was June, just a few days before the wedding. Everything had been ordered and paid for: the dress, the flowers, the food. But I didn’t feel guilty. Hef had never proposed to me,” she wrote in her memoir.

Crystal left, looking for a free life, even though it might make Hugh Hefner angry. However, a year later, after thinking everything over, she returned to the mansion. Crystal agreed to get married on New Year’s Eve 2012. The beauty became Hugh Hefner’s third wife when he was 86 years old. As revealed by Crystal in an interview on People, during the years of marriage, she was like Hefner’s companion and dedicatedly cared for Hefner until he passed away in 2017 at the age of 91. She admitted that she never really loved her husband. during a relationship that lasted nearly 10 years.