An unconvincing reason: Brad Pitt blames his excessive alcohol consumption as the catalyst for his divorce from Angelina. Is that reason really accurate? Let’s watch the video to find out exactly.

Pitt, who had sought help for his alcohol addiction, revealed that he ended up boozing too much to cope with personal and professional challenges. The stress of his crumbling marriage and his feelings of loneliness and isolation drove him towards alcohol as a means of escape.

The renowned actor acknowledged that he used alcohol as an escape mechanism to numb his emotions. He described his struggle as being like a “pacing cage” and shared that he found comfort in drowning his sorrows with alcohol because it temporarily provided relief from the pain he was experiencing.

Pitt’s drinking took a toll on his relationship with Jolie, ultimately leading to their divorce in 2016 after two years of marriage. The actor expressed remorse for the impact his addiction had on their family, particularly their six children. He emphasized that he had learned a lot from the experience and was now committed to being a better father and individual.

During the interview, Pitt also revealed that he had attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to address his addiction. He credited the support system he found through AA as instrumental in his recovery journey. He spoke about the importance of reaching out for help and the benefits of connecting with others who share similar struggles.

The actor’s openness about his personal struggles sheds light on the often-hidden issue of alcohol addiction and the destructive impact it can have on relationships. The interview serves as a reminder that even celebrities, who may seemingly have it all, can battle personal demons.

Pitt’s story also highlights the importance of self-reflection and personal growth. By recognizing his own faults and taking responsibility for his actions, he is working towards becoming a better person and mending the relationships that were affected by his addiction.

As the interview comes to an end, Brad Pitt’s raw honesty and willingness to share his story serves as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges. By shining a light on his past struggles, he hopes to help others who may be dealing with their own battles with addiction. Overall, the actor’s story reminds us of the power of self-awareness, acceptance, and the courage to seek help when needed.