Credits: USA TODAY Sports

Just a week before the Fourth of July festivities in 2013, TMZ reported that Gilbert Arenas was busted for possession of “illegal” fireworks at 2:30 AM. As per TMZ, the LAPD informed them that it was discovered that the former Washington Wizards guard had more than 100 pounds of fireworks after being stopped for speeding. On his No Chill Gil pod, Gilbert Arenas was recently joined by Nick Young, where the two recalled the time when Arenas was arrested for the possession of fireworks.

Agent Zero alleged that it was a set-up and initially, the cops had told him that they wouldn’t arrest him.

However, much to Arenas’ surprise, at 6 AM, a TMZ cameraman told him, “You’re gonna be arrested for illegal fireworks”. His words were true as LAPD cops rolled in to put handcuffs on him. However, Arenas was still not worried about a potential arrest. He claimed that he “owned” Van Nuys prison, where the cops were going to take him. Since he had many former schoolmates who became cops in the prison, he knew how to get out of there in a jiffy.

The script after reaching the Van Nuys prison played out exactly as Gil thought. After being recognized by a cop, Arenas remembered giving a “25$ to bail out”. Then he also recalled how the district attorney prompted him to do community service for the illegal possession. However, the former NBA All-Star wasn’t interested in such an endeavor.

District attorney tried to make me do stuff. I’m like I’m not doing nothing. Yeah, you need to pay a fine or do community service, I said I am doing no community service,” Arenas confessed to Nick Young

To avoid community service, the former NBA guard had to pay his way out. Considering his immense wealth, he had no qualms about paying “$10000 to the Fire department”. But what if Gilbert Arenas wasn’t able to get out of jail in the first place?

Gilbert Arenas was confident nothing would happen to him in prison

Considering Arenas’ plethora of connections and monetary power, he fancied his chances of leaving prison unscathed. The discussion about how he would have avoided harassment in prison was triggered when a fan quipped that Arenas would be “someone’s GF in the pen”. To which, the 42-year-old replied, “I’m too rich”. Young then argued that he’d be in prison with the “regulars”. Thus, Swaggy P doubted that merely having money would help.

However, Arenas insisted that having cash would have saved him from someone trying to “hu**” him. The outspoken athlete also claimed that he has a “lot of commissary” to avoid such situations. He then asserted that he would “pay everybody” including the correctional officers. The former NBA star kept implying that he would have avoided any unforeseen circumstance because “that’s what you got money for”.