Screenshot: Curious Mike

Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. invited former adult film star Lana Rhoades as a guest on his podcast, “Curious Mike.” The duo engaged in a candid discussion about the dark realities of the adult film industry, shedding light on its dark side.

During the conversation Rhoades also went on to address people always assuming that she has slept with every NBA player that she has hung out with. However, Rhoades absolutely denied the claim, while saying that she only slept with the one NBA player she has a kid with.

“I’ve never slept with any of them besides the one that I have a kid with.”

When Rhoades revealed that her baby-daddy is an NBA star, rumors and speculations started to spread. Many suspected Kevin Durant to be the father, before pictures of the child revealed a smilier appearance to Blake Griffin. However, some later Tweets had funs suggest that the actual father is Bruce Brown Jr.

While the mystery won’t be solved any times soon, Rhoades also pointed out that the players never really expected her to indulge in anything with them.

“We end up having, like, a respectful good, friendship.”