In The Wolf Of Wall Street, there are many hot scenes, right? Among them, there is a scene that has made a strong impression on the audience, which is the scene where Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio “do it” on a bed full of money.

This scene is very beautiful, and it really hits the desire of many people. But: should you do it on money?


According to Margot Robbie – the actress who performed the scene – NO. She shared that the money used in the movie is fake but new and very similar to real things. Also because they are too new, they are very sharp. If you lie on them and move strongly, you will definitely get hurt.

“I got dozens of cuts on my back because of that money. It’s not as glamorous as people think. If anyone intends to try it: DON’T. Real money may be a little softer, but fake money is like that piece of paper. When I stood up from the bed and turned around to get my robe, everyone gasped. They said, ‘You look like you’ve just been beaten millions of times. Your back is full of red scratches.’”

New money is usually quite hard and sharp. For Vietnamese money, the polymer material can also scratch the skin if you are not careful. In general, for safety, don’t try it. Have a great month NNN