Gilbert Arenas responded to a claim made by teammate Nick Young about an occasion in which he, Draya, and Young served as chauffeurs. While acknowledging that he was aware of Young’s claim, Arenas didn’t seem to be sure whether it was true. Arenas acknowledged some prior contact with Draya when asked about their relationship, but he stressed the value of respecting people’s present familial circumstances.

The topic of Draya’s present relationship and the age gap between her and Jalen Green, 22, was then brought up. Arenas revealed his opinion that partnerships between older women and younger men can benefit from stability and maturity, supporting the possibility of personal development in such relationships.

Nick Young’s NSFW story

Nick Young had earlier last month shared a stunning story of Draya and Arenas making out in back of a vehicle.

She’s a mother now, as he points out. But it implied that something NSFW was happening behind closed doors.

The two men couldn’t stop laughing about it, and you can imagine that they were tempted to share the details of what actually happened. It is undoubtedly open for debate as to whether or not the said story is cap. Michele hasn’t yet responded to the video.