Dancing non-stop, Britney Spears was “interrogated” by the police, revealing many unexpected details

Police officers went to Britney Spears’ house to check because they received a call expressing concern about the singer’s condition when she was dancing with two knives.

TMZ reported that on September 27, authorities in Ventura County, California received a call from a member of the LAPD Smart team (a group that handles psychiatric evaluations) worried about Britney’s behavior online. society. The police decided to go to the pop star’s house to check on her safety.

Britney Spears múa dao.

Britney Spears dances with a knife.

The source said police officers spoke with the security team at Britney’s mansion. They insisted she was fine but didn’t want to talk. Therefore, the police left immediately.

Previously, Britney Spears posted a video of a knife dance scene. The 41-year-old singer held two knives and danced to the music. Britney explained in the caption that the two knives were fake and that she was rehearsing for Halloween. However, when Toxic’s voice hit the knives together, they made a harsh sound and caused the three puppies to run away.


According to TMZ, in another video posted about an hour after Britney showed off her knife skills, she revealed bruises on her legs and a bandage wrapped around her arm. The singer did not reveal the cause of her injuries, but many people believe they were caused by a knife. This led to calls for the police to check.

Britney quấn băng tay và có vết thâm ở chân sau màn múa dao.

Britney had bandages on her arms and bruises on her legs after the knife dance.

Earlier this year, police also went to Britney’s house because fans were concerned about her safety after the singer’s Instagram account disappeared. However, Britney was fine and she later reactivated her account. In the following post, Britney said she appreciated everyone’s concern but was upset when the police showed up at her house.

Britney Spears is going through difficult days when her marriage broke down. On August 16, Britney’s husband – actor Sam Asghari – filed for divorce in court, ending 15 months of marriage. In the application, Sam wrote they broke up because of “irreconcilable differences”. The 28-year-old actor moved out of Britney’s villa and rented her own house in early August.

Some rumors said that Sam was angry because he suspected Britney was having an affair with a male employee working in the house. However, a source close to the singer denied this information. After that, Britney was said to be dating a man who used to work as her maid but ended this month when she discovered his criminal past.