“It’s just a lot of noise and lot of bullsh*t out there”: Dwayne Johnson Sends a Warning to His 390 Million Fans About the Toxicity That Can Destroy Lives

Renowned actor and former wrestler Dwayne Johnson has been in the spotlight for quite a while. The actor is known for delivering some iconic films throughout his career. But his recently released film Black Adam was a massive disappointment.

Moreover, Johnson faced backlash for asking fans to donate to the Maui Fund instead of contributing more personally. Amidst all this, the actor recently released an Instagram video telling his fans to overcome all the toxicity and listen to the inner voice.

Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson shed light on navigating life’s distractions

Recently, Dwayne Johnson posted a video on Instagram where he addressed his 390 million followers and talked about overcoming all the toxicity in life and listening to the inner voice. In his video, the actor said that over the years, he has learned to focus on a few key things. Johnson said that a man is surrounded by unnecessary noises, he explained,

“Man is at the noise and there is a lot of noise around us when we pick up the phone, the moment we turn on the tv, the moment er walk outside, the moment we go to school, the moment we go to work, there is always a lot of noise and there is a lot of bullshit out there. and as you guys know there is a lot of toxicity.”

Dwayne Johnson

The actor further claimed that on his part he tries to stay away from every kind of toxicity as it “can drag you down.” Johnson said that he constantly reminds himself that “noise is just noise” and it has nothing meaningful inside it. It is more like clickbait where people get enticed with nonsense. The Jumanji actor said that in his journey of overcoming toxicity, he also learned how to not just cancel the noise from his life but how to embrace the inner voice. He said,

“I also learned to do this probably more important than just separating the noise is not only that I want to separate the noise but I also want to make sure that I’m separating the noise and paying attention to the voice, and that voice is one that’s inside that’s your gut, that’s your intuition, that’s the thing that will never lead you wrong.”

However, when talking about listening to the inner voice, there are some minor repercussions to it as well, like being opinionated which may lead to arguments. Johnson also addressed this issue, and said,

“It might be hard now to follow that gut because a lot of time if you voice your opinion in a crazy world and it differs from somebody else, it’s almost like an indictment on their integrity, and they react in a way that is loud, is noisy, ‘how dare you’, but that’s just difference of opinion.”

However, the actor concluded his video by saying that having a difference in opinion is great at times as it enhances a conversation. This video of Dwayne Johnson comes amidst a time when the actor is not having a very great time.


Dwayne Johnson

Not every day is expected to be a sunny day, as there can be stormy nights as well but what helps is a ray of hope. Currently, Dwayne Johnson is also not in a great state as his recently released film Black Adam saw an immense downfall at the box office. And if this wasn’t enough the actor was condemned for doing something good for the people of Maui. Despite this, the actor is promoting positivity which is indeed commendable.

Recently, Johnson along with Oprah Winfrey launched a relief fund to help the residents of Maui who are affected by wildfires in the area. However, this positive initiative towards the people didn’t turn out in their favor as fans criticized them for asking people to contribute when they, being rich, could help the needy themselves.

Talking about The Rock’s latest film, Black Adam, the film’s fate is no secret to fans, as the film’ bombed at the box office.