Among the side quests in Stephen Curry’s career, he sometimes hosts a show with his wife Ayesha. They recently received a couple they know well, since it is the Chef’s sister and his former teammate. Which made for a terribly embarrassing sequence.

On the field, Stephen Curry ‘s reputation is well established. He is one of, if not the best point guard in the history of the NBA, and he completely revolutionized the game. If the three-pointer occupies such an important place today, if young people all want to learn to shoot behind the line is because he proved that it was possible to win that way.

And if the end of the dynasty is not necessarily very nice to see on the San Francisco side, the respect he receives from his colleagues and fans is deserved. In everyday life, however, his image is a little less glorious, the fault of his wife Ayesha. Although they have loved each other for years and have a family, some think that the Chief is cheated on regularly.

Steph Curry on the verge of discomfort on a TV set

In a recent broadcast, it was his sister Sydel who came to give new ammunition to those who like to make fun of number 30 of the Warriors. The latter, a host with his wife, had to listen to couples describing their latest lovemaking. Among those couples were Sydel Curry and Warriors alumnus Damion Lee. The Chief is on the verge of discomfort.


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Sydel Curry: Most of the time, being pregnant, it’s not crazy, but we get the job done. But last time it was good, I would say we hit the ground running.

For a few long seconds, Stephen Curry had to listen to his sister and her friend describe their intimate lovemaking in front of him, and he clearly wasn’t interested. He made a face and covered his ears, which made for a rather hilarious sequence. Clearly, on these subjects, the leader of the Warriors is not often helped by those close to him.

The guy’s face 😂He’s like: “You’re talking about my sister, watch what you say”😂

Stephen Curry would have done without this new viral sequence, in which he had to listen to his sister and her friend talking about their intimate relationships. But that’s the risk when you host such a show.