Paris Hilton Suddenly Revealed That Her Ex-boyfriend Forced Her to Film a Ho:t Cl:ip

In the upcoming book, Paris Hilton tells the story of her ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon asking her to film a “hot” clip. The beauty was uncomfortable about it but eventually gave in.

Paris Hilton is about to release her memoir Paris: The Memoir. In an excerpt collected by Times of London, the heiress born in 1981 revealed that her ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon pressured her to film a sex clip with him in 2001.

”I don’t remember much about the night he wanted to record a clip of us making love. He often said it was something he did with other women, but I felt strange and uncomfortable. I always told him: ‘You can’t. It’s so embarrassing’. He told me that if he didn’t agree, he could easily find someone to do it with him. It was the worst thing I could think of – being dumped by a grown man because I was a stupid kid who didn’t know how to play an adult game,’ Paris wrote.

Paris Hilton bị bạn trai cũ ép quay clip nóng - Ảnh 2.

Paris Hilton tells the story of being forced by her ex-boyfriend to film a “s.:ex” video when she was not yet 20 years old (Photo: Netflix)

At that time, Paris was less than 20 years old, and the professional poker player was 10 years older than her. She wrote in her memoir that at that age she wanted to live in pleasure and experience intimacy. She struggled with her sexual needs due to abuse as a teenager. She always found it difficult to enjoy sex or feel comfortable with her body.

Even though she didn’t have enough confidence to do that reckless thing, in order to please her boyfriend, she “closed her eyes.” The reality TV star admitted to drinking alcohol and taking Quaaludes (sedatives) before taking off her clothes in front of the camera and filming a clip called One Night in Paris. What gave her some comfort at that moment was that Salomon promised that the tape was only for the two of them, no one else could see it.

In the end, Paris had to pay the price for that concession. In 2003, while in Australia, Paris received a phone call from her manager informing her that a 37-second video of her having sex had spread on the Internet. Not only did the clip quickly appear everywhere, it was even rumored that it was actually just a trailer for a longer video.

”The world thinks of me as a sex symbol. But when people saw that sex tape, they didn’t call it ‘icon’ anymore, but used other harsh words,” Paris lamented.

In the autobiography, Paris does not call her by name but uses the nickname “Scum” to remind her of her old love. Paris said she begged Salomon not to distribute the tape but was refused. That makes the beauty feel like ”life is over” and ”value is destroyed”.

”He said he had the right to sell anything that belonged to him – something that had a lot of financial value. Obviously it’s more valuable than my privacy, my dignity, my future. Feelings of shame, loss and horror overwhelmed me,” she said.

Paris called her first lover “scum” (Photo: YouTube)

The Simple Life star denied rumors that she was involved in the production and distribution of porn videos. The beauty emphasized that if she had been intentional, everything would have been easier for her.

Rick Salomon was the first lover Paris Hilton dated publicly at the age of 19. She met a poker player in 2000 and stuck with him for a year. In 2003, Rick Salomon and his brother earned millions of dollars by releasing the clip One Night in Paris. Meanwhile, Paris Hilton was scrutinized by the media and laughed at by the online community. Recalling that dark time in the 2018 documentary The American Meme, she described: “I felt like I was being raped again. I just wanted to die.”

Previously, Paris shared on television many times about being sexually abused by staff at Provo Canyon School, a psychiatric treatment center for adolescents in Utah (USA), in the 1990s.

The beauty is now happy with her husband Carter Reum and her first son Pheonix (Photo: IG)